Brandname: Q9
Company Name: Q9 Technology Holdings Ltd
Management Function Analysis

The company has demonstrated the successful implementation of the User-Centered Design (UCD) of technology products.

UCD has been looked upon as the most preferred approach that a technology design and production company should adopt. Technology development will loose its direction if the design does not take into consideration human users' knowledge and skill capability. Technology should be compatible to human users' capability to learn and use the product, with comfort and ease, instead of overwhelming the human users.

As human evolutes, technology shapes human and human shapes technology. It is this interactive relationship that compel successful technology design organizations to adopt the UCD and bring in users needs, ability, and comfort into consideration at the earliest possible stage in their Research and Development process.

User-friendliness of the technology product, in this case, the Chinese input method for computers, is a winning strategy in the market place. In fact, we can see in this case, to make a technology product more user-friendly, the designers have taken note of the aspirations and characteristics of potential user in their mind.

Implications for SMEs

User-friendliness of product or service, especially those of technology nature, provided by companies can always be the key competitive advantage for the company. Potential users of your product or service do have their special characteristics and aspirations, and they may have their limitation in knowledge, skill and resources. Products or services that are technically beyond their capability or comprehension would guarantee failure in the marketplace.

In a sense, SMEs should bear in mind that it is the "appropriate" technology that will guarantee a market for your product or service. Going for "high" or "low" technology will end up in a hit and miss outcome.