Brandname: Majorlink
Company Name: Majorlink Communications Ltd
Management Function Analysis
The company has been using its human talent and technical expertise to play the consulting role to major organizations and through this consulting role, the company has been able to creatively replacing existing and less efficient system with technology products, thereby fulfilling the entrepreneurial role of "creative destruction"

The consulting role has the advantage of creating trust and dependency from the client companies and it brings the problem solvers close to the client company, interacting socially and technically. To keep the value of the consulting service, versatility and constant updating and upgrading in the knowledge and skill bases amongst all employees in the company are essential and this explains the reason why the company adopts the "Learning Organization" approach in the internal knowledge management.

Implications for SMEs
The "Consulting" mindset is important as it represents putting yourself in the shoe of your customer and helping them to better achieve their objectives or goals. Whether you can solve your clients' problems or create more problems of your clients depend very much on how you develop and achieve expertise in product/service development and application. Continuous learning is one of the key contributors to required level of expertise.