Brandname: Goodway
Company Name: Goodway Electrical Enterprise Ltd
Management Function Analysis
Sensitivity is a key word for Globalization, for example, sensitive to different culture, sensitive to different needs, sensitive to different constraints, and sensitive to different opportunities. The present case is a successful story of globalization of technical products. The company has benefited from its experience as OEM for international products, thereby gaining insight into the various consumer culture and regulatory policies of individual market. During the OEM stage, company management has undergone real learning and it is evident from the subsequent development when the company has successfully marketed its own products worldwide.

The company has been able to continuously expand its "Zone of Possibility" and it is quite different from other organizations that are glued to their "Zone of Familiarity" This is reflected by the company's continuous improvement in product design and product outlook, continuously reaches out to international mindset in design ideas, encouraging a culture of facing reality, committing to growth, adopting transformational beliefs, focusing energies, relating to others and engaging with purpose.
Implications for SMEs
For SMEs, especially for those that have been adopting the OEM role, the case provides two important insights for their further development - "Sensitivity and Learning" and "Zone of Possibility"

Sensitivity and learning can help creating a continuous supply of market intelligence and innovative business ideas. It involves getting to know the "context of business" in addition to the usual "content of business" and it is always beneficial to understand and recognize the enabling forces operating in the present business environment.

"Zone of Possibility" is a concept upheld by global business leaders and it involves a purposeful, committed and energized engagement with a purpose to transform and expand the company activities, taking advantage of realistic opportunities and the total market situation. The mindset and direction can provide energy and direction of SMEs to go beyond their "Zone of Familiarity" to the "Zone of Possibilities" and thereby, achieving growth.