Brandname: Eastpoint
Company Name: Eastpoint Property Management Service Ltd
Management Function Analysis
The company is characterized by its success in knowledge management, and personalized customer service. It is a good example of successful adoption of the "Learning Organization" approach to knowledge management, started in USA since early 90s and adopted by majority of Fortune 500 companies. The essence of the approach starts with a new definition of "knowledge" and the recognition that "knowledge" should be related back to the actual "Work Experience". Through working for a customer or on a specific job, the individual employee registers an experience. The experience has its contents, like cause and effect relationship, action and reaction relationship, and critical success action/tactics/strategy. Conceptualizing such experience and testing it out for refinement and adjustment would create the employee's individual knowledge. Sharing this individual knowledge with the rest of the team or company would allow further testing of the individual knowledge and confirming the knowledge's validity, reliability, relevancy and criticality.

Through the "Learning Organization" approach, the company has been able to maintain near 100% transfer of learning in its employee training activities, as the knowledge transferred are all grounded in actual work situation and real-life work experience. The continuous sharing of experience and knowledge generated from experience has enabled the creation of a highly effective and realistic "Collective Mental Model" and this has greatly facilitate the quality assurance of the service of employees of all levels.

Effective and valid organizational learning has resulted in a better and accurate understanding of customers' needs and this has led to the company's success in providing personalized and one-stop-service for its customers.
Implications for SMEs
In theory, organizational learning can be accomplished much easier in SMEs than large enterprises due to the smallness in employee size. However, the common obstacles among SMEs are the lack of skill in conceptualizing experience and the lack of will in sharing the knowledge so created from experience. SMEs should therefore be fully aware of the whole process of organizational learning, and should be able to walk through the whole process of W(Work); E(Experience); T(Testing); C(Conceptualizing); K(Knowledge Creation); and S(Sharing).