Brandname: Dai Pai Dong
Company Name: Kampery Development Ltd
Management Function Analysis
Quality assurance is the key success factors and in fact, the quality perception at the psychological and physiological levels has been taken care of. The choice of the "old timer stuff" in their branding language successfully brings out the old time value system of "rewarding oneself with good stuff after a hard day's work" This "old timer" image provides the context in which the physical high quality food and high quality service are based. A perfect combination of mind and matter results in a unique service that can implant a deep memory in the mind of customers.

The company should be proud of its organizational development achievements. The practice adopted follows the process of (a) establishing procedures of high quality customer service; (b) encouraging commitment to quality customer service through training for ability and attitude outcomes; (c) creating quality service role models for colleagues to follow and learn; (d) developing and strengthening organizational quality culture; (e) sustaining organizational quality culture through team learning; and (f) creating a quality feedback loop for continuous improvement through objective, independent and multi-approach quality audit. The process has proved to be highly effective and provides a valuable blueprint for other companies to follow.
Implications for SMEs
Two implications can be drawn from this successful company: customer needs satisfaction and quality culture development.

On the part of customer needs satisfaction, SMEs should recognize the importance of psychological needs of customers, organizational customers and individual customers alike. It is the responsibility of the service providers or product producers to make sure the customers feel good psychologically and physiologically about receiving your service or consuming your products.

As regards the development of quality culture, SMEs can learn from this company's P(Procedure); A(Attitude); M(Modelling); C(Culture); L(Learning) and F(Feedback) process. Different emphasis and modifications can be made in the light of the present stage and state of development of the SMEs, although the six basic steps should all be attended to.