Brandname: Aqua Pure
Company Name: Aqua Pure Distilled Water Co Ltd
Management Function Analysis
We have a vivid example of visionary creation, expansion and diversification of company product. Its success in fact is hinged on the mindset of visionary leadership. Visionary leaders like those in this company continuously ask themselves questions like (a) What business are we in? (b) What will be the future market looks like? (c) Are we getting the accurate market intelligence? (d) Can we capitalize on our strength to take advantage of the future opportunities? (e) How can we create the greatest impact on our target customers?

The switch from producing "bottles without content" to producing "bottles with contents" has been the most successful switch of mindset, nevertheless, the former and the latter business activities serves the same target customers and satisfy the same customer needs. The switch therefore has not compelled the company to step out of the business it has always been in, that is, the beverage industry.

When implementing the switch, the company has been able to take care of the two important operating fronts, market intelligence and operational control. Scientific market research, using professional help has ensured the accuracy of the market intelligence so collected. With such information and the upgrading of technology of production and control, the company is able to consider the market penetration strategy, as the beverage market is already full of established products. Branding has then become the key to success in the company's market penetration strategy and its dedication and professional approach to branding the product has greatly helped to gain market share in the highly competitive market. To keep ahead of its competitors, product diversification has been a continuous activity and it complements its other competitive advantages.
Implications for SMEs
The critical success factors that SMEs should take note of in the main are: (a) constantly review what business you are in; (b) create a structure whereby you can obtain accurate market intelligence; (c) look beyond to-day and yesterday, try to assess what the future market looks like; (d) know your strengths and weaknesses; (e) maintain a balance between market intelligence and operational control; and (f) SWOT (strength-weakness-opportunity-threat) your organization regularly.